Universal Air Sampler
This Universal Air Sampler is an
air sampler for airborne particles in general. Air is sampled at 300 lpm
(10.6 cubic feet per minute) from the ambient through an omni-directional,
cylindrical inlet. Particles > 10µm are first separated from the
airstream by a 10 µm cut virtual impactor classifier and discarded.
Smaller particles then enter the 2.5µm cut virtual impactor.
Particles in the 2.5 - 10 µm range are collected on a 62 x 165 mm
filter and those < 2,5 µm are collected on a 200 x 250 mm filter.
A holder located downstream of the final filter is provided so that a
standard PUF sampler can be used to collect volatile organic compounds
In addition, one or more high performance, compact diffusion denuders
can be inserted between the PM2.5 classifier and the final filter to separate
gaseous pollutants as SO2, NO2, NH, etc., from aerosol